¿Cómo se adquieren y usan los términos deícticos en lengua española? Un estudo longitudinal
- Shum, Grace
- Conde Rodríguez, Ángeles
- Díaz Batanero, María Carmen
ISSN: 0210-3702, 1578-4126
Year of publication: 1989
Issue: 48
Pages: 45-64
Type: Article
More publications in: Journal for the Study of Education and Development, Infancia y Aprendizaje
Within the field of language acquisition, the study of deixis is presented as a subject of relevance�a basic language resource in the development of communication. Through it, the speakers establish spatio-temporal relations between themselves and objects, adopting conversational roles. Thus, it is a rich source of data, for its learning implies acquiring a certain level of communicative, cognitive and linguistic development. In the present research our aim was to study the development of the different types of deictic terms (person, space, time, mood, and verb) in Spanish children. A one year longitudinal study was carried out from a functional perspective. The subjects were two girls, from different sociocultural backgrounds, aged two years at the beginning of the study. The use both girls made of deictic terms, recorded in their natural context, was obtained from the analysis of the girls� spontaneous talk. In addition, their adequacy to the communicative context was taken into account together with the differences related to the background of both subjects. Also, the implications for the development and future knowledge of the deictic terms used were considered.