Violencia de géneroconocimiento y actitud del personal sanitario de las urgencias y emergencias extrahospititalarias : (una reflexión a partir del estudio del personal sanitario de Huelva y Sevilla)

  1. Martos Sánchez, María Cinta
Supervised by:
  1. Octavio Vázquez Aguado Director
  2. J.M. Villadiego Sánchez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 25 June 2012

  1. Juan R. Lacalle Remigio Chair
  2. José Luis Sarasola Sánchez-Serrano Secretary
  3. Yolanda María de la Fuente Robles Committee member

Type: Thesis


The aim of this study has been the evaluation of affective cognitive and behavioral attitude of emergency and hospital emergency health personnel in the province of Huelva and Sevilla. We started from the important role that health services can play in order to help women suffering spousal abuse Emergency Services are an easy access route and one of the main social protection organizations for victims. They attend a call during 24 hours a day, with free access or moving their personnel to the place where the patient requests them as response to a simple phone call by the different lines of emergency care and / or health emergencies. Although they are situated in a prime location for proper detection and referral of potential cases of abuse, in many cases there are many difficulties and barriers in health staff to ignore leading how to act in spousal abuse. The most important of them is the Jack of specific training in domestic violence. Health professionals have ability to detect cases of domestic violence. In addition, they are able to intervene, to access specific information, to mediate to act and especially to make proper coordination with other levels of care (primary care and social services). It is necessary, for effective coordination, to have professional teams (psychologists, doctors, nurses, and social workers) dedicate to it, without interfering with the health care service. To achieve our goal we conducted a cross-sectional study using self-application questionnaire that was provided to subjects. In the preparatory phase, firstly, we made a literature search on our subject clarifying sorne basic concepts to understand the object of study, ending with the construction of the conceptual framework of the investigation. The second part of this phase was the research design and the construction and validation of the questionnaire. Once the questionnaire was developed we took into account existing questionnaires in similar studies and input from various experts. After the judges' test was passed the questionnaire was modified taking into account their recommendations. It was filled out by 50 health professionals from Emergency Services in Andalucía. The analysis of the results showed good reliability and validity of the instrument. Finally, the validated questionnaire was administered to staff subject of our study obtained a response, rate of 70%. Data from the questionnaires underwent analysis using SPSS 17.0 statistical software. It allowed us access to basic and multivalent operations. Results showed how the respondent medical staff had a medium level of knowledge about gender violence and a positive attitude in the detection and referral of cases of gender violence. In conclusion, although highlighting the important role that personnel has in the proceedings against gender violence, specific training in such subjects is still insufficient. It is necessary enhancing on training of such personnel from both the new grade studies and from the postgraduate degree. They must be able to recognize the magnitude and impact of the problem and the opportunity they have to support battered women seeking solutions to their problem.