Los jóvenes ante el desencantamiento y la secularización¿el surgimiento de una espiritualidad

  1. Vizcaíno Cruzado, Eduardo
Supervised by:
  1. Iván Rodríguez Pascual Director
  2. Juan Antonio Estrada Díaz Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 12 December 2014

  1. Eduardo Bericat Alastuey Chair
  2. Estrella Gualda Caballero Secretary
  3. Pedro Gómez García Committee member

Type: Thesis


The purpose of this study is to investígate youth religious beliefs within a new context of late-postmodernity which follows up diverse secularization processes. We aim at describíng the object of their beliefs, the way they experience them and how they build their faith. In short: 1. Our goal is to know what the main positions of vouna peoole towards God are and find out if traditional groups (atheist, believer agnostic and indifferent) are still valid. 2. Furthermore, we want to deepen our knowledge on the image of God that they have and, with relation to this, in order to contrast this image against the one of the Christian God, looking for resemblances or differences. 3. Finally, we wish to know if these groups of believers are homogeneous or whether they have different characteristics and perspectives about morality, rites, dogma or beliefs, and community or ecclesial issues. In order to achieve these goals, we have classified the present work into three sections: Theoretical Foundation, Methodological Design and Analysis. We have drawn a circle from Theory to Theory, taking into consideration a thorough fieldwork carried out with young people, which was considered relevant for us. In the first section, the concept of secularization is described as an epistemológica! framework which allows us to contextualize the virtual forums and interviews. In order to build this framework, we will analyze the religious and ecclesiastic meaning of the concept and his historical process (from monotheism -the true origin of the secularization, according to some authors- to Modernity). Also we need to analyze disenchantment with the objective of understanding, from a religious point of view, the relationships established between the subjects and the world. Moreover, we address individualization as the last stage of the secularization process. Finally, we analyze the different critics and reviews of the concept, providing with our own definition of the term. In the second section, we describe our work plan, the way we approach young people and how we analyze their words (in virtual forums and interviews), from an ethnographic approach and the participant's observation. In the third section, the core of our work, we present the results of our research focused on young people. We show a renovated religiosity, without institutions, rites or dogmas that hold it and with a vague image (post metaphysics) of Transcendence. We have defined this religiosity as liquid, following the Z. Bauman�s woks.