Fortificaciones señoriales del suroeste ibéricola huella documental

  1. Carriazo Rubio, Juan Luis coord.

Publisher: Ediciones de La Ergástula

ISBN: 978-84-16242-79-5

Year of publication: 2021

Type: Book

Sustainable development goals


The southwestern tip of the Iberian Peninsula offers a scenario of great interest for the study of lordly fortifications. The process of conquest and the subsequent border delimitation between the kingdoms of Portugal, Castile and Leon generated two nearby and interconnected spaces but very different from each other. In the Portuguese Algarve, the military orders had the stately prominence, while the territory of Huelva presents an intense seigniorialization that explains the appearance of the great noble manors of Ayamonte, Gibraleón or Niebla, along with others of smaller extension. This volume proposes a joint and diachronic approach that allows us to analyze the meaning of the fortifications and their relationship with the border, the stately powers and their changes over time, with the reasons for the loss or conservation of the defensive architecture on both sides of the border.