Las necrópolis urbanas del Conventus Gaditanus.Rituales, topografía y arquitectura funeraria
Universidad de Huelva
- Campos Carrasco, Juan Manuel (ed. lit.)
- Bermejo Meléndez, Javier (ed. lit.)
Publisher: Universidad de Huelva
ISBN: 978-84-19397-73-7
Year of publication: 2024
Pages: 547-584
Type: Book chapter
This chapter individually deals with the main topographic, architectural and ritual characteristics of the urban necropolises of the Conventus Gaditanus. This paper has sought to synthesize the unconnected and dispersed information that existed for each of them, with the aim of characterizing the funerary architecture deployed in each city, as well as the ritual paradigms that marked the configuration of their ritual deposits.We start from the assumption that we are dealing with a territorial framework with a strong local component of Turdetan, Bastula, Turdula and Punic populations, which, as in the case Of the Conventus Hispalensis, favored the creation of a very heterogeneous funus, with different rhythms, in which, in spite of everything, the imprint of Rome and its customs/regulations were the main agglutinant.