Breakup of 8B+natZr at the sub-barrier energy of 26.5 MeV

  1. Palli, K.
  2. Pakou, A.
  3. Moro, A.M.
  4. O'Malley, P.D.
  5. Acosta, L.
  6. Sántzez-Bénitez, A.
  7. Souliotis, G.
  8. Aguilera, E.F.
  9. Andrade, E.
  10. Godos, D.
  11. Sgouros, O.
  12. Soukeras, V.
  13. Agodi, C.
  14. Bailey, T.L.
  15. Bardayan, D.W.
  16. Boomershine, C.
  17. Brodeur, M.
  18. Cappuzzello, F.
  19. Caramichael, S.
  20. Cavallaro, M.
  21. Dede, S.
  22. Dueñas, J.A.
  23. Henning, J.
  24. Lee, K.
  25. Porter, W.S.
  26. Rivero, F.
  27. Von Seeger, W.
  28. Show all authors +
EPJ Web of Conferences

ISSN: 2100-014X 2101-6275

Year of publication: 2024

HINPw 2024 - 7th International Workshop of the Hellenic Institute of Nuclear Physics on Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics and Reaction Dynamics

Volume: 304

Type: Conference paper

DOI: 10.1051/EPJCONF/202430403004 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor