Diseño y validación de un instrumento para evaluar la calidad de las apps gamificadas que promueven hábitos saludables en el alumnado de educación primaria y secundaria
- Delgado-Morales, Claudio 1
- Duarte-Hueros, Ana 1
- Merino-Godoy, María de los Ángeles 1
- Conde-Vélez, Sara 1
Universidad de Huelva
ISSN: 1578-7680
Year of publication: 2025
Issue Title: Ordinary
Volume: 25
Issue: 81
Type: Article
More publications in: RED: revista de educación a distancia
The promotion of health in early ages through gamified technology has emerged in recent years as an innovative strategy with great educational potential to improve specific areas of healthy habits such as hygiene, nutrition, physical activity, or digital education, among others, requiring the involvement of all environments surrounding children and adolescents, especially the family context, in order to achieve overall well-being. Specifically, mobile applications (apps) that incorporate health-related content and target children and adolescents are notable. However, the vast majority lack scientific support based on expert knowledge. This study aims to create a robust and reliable instrument for families to assess the quality of this kind of software, ensuring its educational and safe use. The instrument consists of a questionnaire with 39 items organized into six dimensions. Following a pilot test with 33 families, the results of the statistical analyses conducted have revealed highly favorable psychometric properties, suggesting the utility of the instrument in supporting families in selecting such educational apps.
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