Publications (92) EMILIO CONGREGADO RAMIREZ DE AGUILERA publications
An inquiry into the drivers of an entrepreneurial economy: A Bayesian clustering approach
Journal of Evolutionary Economics
Effects of short-time work schemes on firm survival during the covid-19 crisis: insights from new Spanish data
Applied Economics Letters
Optimal public deficit and tax-smoothing in the Spanish economy, 1850-2022
Documentos de Trabajo (IAES, Instituto Universitario de Análisis Económico y Social)
Precariousness in Employment Mediated by Digital Platforms. Evidence from Europe
Revista de economía mundial, Núm. 66, pp. 129-149
Testing hysteresis for the US and UK involuntary part-time employment
Applied Economics
Deficit sustainability and fiscal theory of price level: the case of Italy, 1861–2020
Empirica, Vol. 50, Núm. 3, pp. 755-782
Deficit sustainability and the fiscal theory of the price level: the case of Italy, 1861-2020
Documentos de Trabajo (IAES, Instituto Universitario de Análisis Económico y Social)
Reemployment premium effect of furlough programs: evaluating Spain’s scheme during the COVID-19 crisis
Journal for Labour Market Research, Vol. 57, Núm. 1
Cointegration with structural changes and classical model of inflation in Spain, 1830–1998
Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Vol. 60, pp. 376-388
The Yield Curve as a Recession Leading Indicator. An Application for Gradient Boosting and Random Forest
International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 7, Núm. 3, pp. 7-19
The yield curve as a recession leading indicator: An application for gradient boosting and random forest
IJIMAI, Vol. 7, Núm. 3, pp. 7-19
Becoming self-employed from inactivity: an in-depth analysis of satisfaction
Small Business Economics, Vol. 56, Núm. 1, pp. 145-187
Long-run neutrality of money and inflation in Spanish economy, 1830-1998
Documentos de Trabajo (IAES, Instituto Universitario de Análisis Económico y Social)
Separating aggregate discouraged and added worker effects: The case of a former transition country
Oeconomia Copernicana, Vol. 12, Núm. 3, pp. 729-760
Unemployment invariance hypothesis and structural breaks in Poland
Journal of Economic Asymmetries, Vol. 24
Asymmetry and Non-linearity in Discouraged and Added Worker Effects
Eastern European Economics, Vol. 58, Núm. 3, pp. 221-241
Persistence in self-employment rates before the great lockdown: The case of the UK
Sustainability (Switzerland), Vol. 12, Núm. 16
Trademarks and their association with Kirznerian entrepreneurs
Industry and Innovation, Vol. 27, Núm. 1-2, pp. 155-183
Explorando la heterogeneidad en el empleo mediado por plataformas digitales: Intensidad y localización
Revista de Economía Laboral, Vol. 16, Núm. 2, pp. 69-103
On the substitutability between paid-employment and self-employment: Evidence from the period 1969-2014 in the United States
Sustainability (Switzerland), Vol. 11, Núm. 2