Research center: Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Física, Matemáticas y Computación

Area: Applied Physics

Research group: Física Subatómica y Molecular


Personal web:

Doctor by the Universidad de Huelva with the thesis Estudio de la dispersión elástica de 6He a energías en torno a la barrera de Coulomb 2005. Supervised by Dr. Ismael Martel Bravo, Dr. Joaquín José Gómez Camacho.

I was awarded the prize for the best PhD dissertation in the field of Experimental Sciences and Health of the Univ. of Huelva, and the AIQB Chair award (Association of Basic Chemical Industries, Huelva) in the Scientific-Technological field. I was a postdoctoral researcher at the Center de Recherches du Cyclotron (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium). I continued with a two-years postdoctoral contract developed between the Univ. of Granada and the Univ. of Huelva within the project Physics of Elementary Particles: Theory and Experiment. In 2009 I got a Juan de la Cierva contract for two years to develop at the Univ. de Huelva. During 2013 I enjoyed contracts in GANIL (Caen, France) and GSI (Darmstadt, Germany), within the framework of the Nuclear Astrophysics Virtual Institute (NAVI). At the end of 2013 he began to work at the Center for Nuclear Physics of the University of Lisbon with a contract of Investigador Ciência, FCT-Portugal. I have collaborated with Hospital Juan Ramón Jiménez (Huelva) in neutron dose measurements in the vicinity of an ONCOR-Siemens electron accelerator for radiotherapy (2011). I am spokesperson of three experiments, proposed at CRC/UCL (2006, Belgium), NSL/UND (2023, USA) and GANIL (2023, France). I have been responsible for two bilateral projects France- Spain entitled "Spectroscopic study of nuclei involved in explosive burning hydrogen (Refs: AIC10-D-000614 2011, AIC-D-2011-0820 2012), three national/regional founded projects, and has participated in three European projects: Physics of compact objects: explosive nucleosynthesis and evolution (09-EuroGENESIS-FP-004), SPIRAL2 Preparatory Phase FP7 (FP7-spiral2- 212692) and Nuclear Astrophysics Virtual Institute (NAVI) (VH-VI-417). I am responsible of the Laboratorio de Interacciones FundamentalEs (LIFE), an infrastructure of the Center of Advanced Studies in Physics, Mathematics and Computing (CEAFMC) of the University of Huelva. I am secretary of the CEAFMC since 2018. I was secretary of department Ciencias Integradas of the University of Huelva 2018-2020. Member of the Scientific Council of the bilateral project ASTRANUCAP which involves dozens of institutions and laboratories in France and Spain. I have been involved in scientific dissemination tasks and events like Night of the European Researchers. I have supervised more than 5 Master Thesis, some of them performed by international students (Portugal, Mexico) who later started a PhD, presently supervised by myself as co-director. Main lines of research: i) Study of nuclear reactions to energies around the Coulomb barrier of neutron-rich weakly bound exotic nuclei, such as 6He, 8He, 11Li, 11Be; ii) Design and construction of particle detectors, such as DINEX and GLORIA (highly segmented charged particle detectors), SAND (fast neutrons, with 32 modules); iii) Measurement of resonant contributions to the rate of thermonuclear reaction in nova explosions, "X-ray Burster" and SNe II type supernovas. I have three sexenios de investigación 2002-2007, 2008-2013, 2014-2019.