Book chapters (61) Publications in which a researcher has participated View referenced research data.
Authenticity and chemometrics of fruits and vegetables
Chemometrics and Authenticity of Foods of Plant Origin (CRC Press), pp. 90-108
The role of metalloids (As, Sb) in airborne particulate matter related to air pollution
Environmental and Biochemical Toxicology: Concepts, Case Studies and Challenges (De Gruyter), pp. 169-189
Advances in lung cancer biomarkers: The role of (metal-) metabolites and selenoproteins
Advances in Clinical Chemistry (Academic Press Inc.), pp. 91-137
Alkane Functionalization by Metal-Catalyzed Carbene Insertion from Diazo Reagents
Transition Metal-Catalyzed Carbene Transformations (wiley), pp. 1-24
Chapter 9: Solid/Gas Reactivity of Organometallic Species in Confined Spaces
Monographs in Supramolecular Chemistry (Royal Society of Chemistry), pp. 282-321
Chapter 9: State-of-the-art Mass Spectrometry-based Approaches to Explore the Polar Metabolome: Alzheimer's Disease as a Case Study
New Developments in Mass Spectrometry (Royal Society of Chemistry), pp. 219-241
Haloarchaea: A Promising Biosource for Carotenoid Production
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology (Springer), pp. 165-174
Multicompartmental high-throughput metabolomics based on mass spectrometry
Neuromethods (Humana Press Inc.), pp. 189-198
Recent advances in light-triggered logic devices
Photochemistry (Royal Society of Chemistry), pp. 323-343
Evaluación del uso de recursos virtuales en prácticas de laboratorio de la asignatura de Ciencias de los materiales
Panorama actual de la enseñanza de las ciencias (Fundación editora), pp. 161-166
Uso de MathCad en ingeniería química: diseño de reactores con reacciones en serie
Panorama actual de la enseñanza de las ciencias (Fundación editora), pp. 53-58
Chapter 4: Rotaxanes and Polyrotaxanes
RSC Smart Materials (Royal Society of Chemistry), pp. 83-103
High-throughput metabolomics based on direct mass spectrometry analysis in biomedical research
Methods in Molecular Biology (Humana Press Inc.), pp. 27-38
Metabolomics: An Emerging Tool for Wine Characterization and the Investigation of Health Benefits
Engineering Tools in the Beverage Industry: Volume 3: The Science of Beverages (Elsevier), pp. 315-350
Environmental Metallomics
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology (Springer New York LLC), pp. 39-66
Mass spectrometry-based metabolomic multiplatform for Alzheimer’s disease research
Methods in Molecular Biology (Humana Press Inc.), pp. 125-137
Relação entre o teor de minerais e a cor da água-mel do sul de Portugal (Alentejo e Algarve)
V Congresso Ibérico de Apicultura 2018, 1 a 3 Fevereiro 2018 Coimbra - Portugal: Livro de resumos (Universidade de Coimbra), pp. 59
Simultaneous speciation of selenoproteins and selenometabolites in plasma and serum
Methods in Molecular Biology (Humana Press Inc.), pp. 163-175
Evaluación de la calidad del proceso enseñanzaaprendizaje en estudiantes del Grado de Ingeniería Química
La enseñanza de las ciencias en el actual contexto educativo (Educación), pp. 139-144
Metal-catalyzed oxidation of alkanes to give esters or amines
Science of Synthesis (Georg Thieme Verlag), pp. 155-189