Publications (32) Publications in which a researcher has participated
A method for obtaining the preventive maintenance interval in the absence of failure time data
Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc, Vol. 24, Núm. 3, pp. 564-573
A new Time-of-flight detector for the R 3 B setup
European Physical Journal A, Vol. 58, Núm. 12
Aplicación de Enfoques Semimarkovianos a la Mejora de Políticas de Mantenimiento Predeterminado en Activos Industriales
Actas de las IV Jornadas ScienCity 2021: Fomento de la Cultura Científica, Tecnológica y de Innovación en Ciudades Inteligentes
Applied methodology based on HEC-HMS for reservoir filling estimation due to soil erosion
Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, Vol. 70, Núm. 3, pp. 341-356
Batteries and Hydrogen Storage: Technical Analysis and Commercial Revision to Select the Best Option
Energies, Vol. 15, Núm. 17
Battery-based storage systems in high voltage-DC bus microgrids. A real-time charging algorithm to improve the microgrid performance
Journal of Energy Storage, Vol. 48
CO2 emissions and causal relationships in the six largest world emitters
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 162
Combination of interleaved single-input multiple-output DC-DC converters
CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, Vol. 8, Núm. 1, pp. 132-142
Complete and versatile remote controller for PV systems
International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Vol. 142
Energy Management Control and Optimization for Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Applied Sciences (Switzerland)
Experimental analysis of the effects of supercapacitor banks in a renewable DC microgrid
Applied Energy, Vol. 308
First results from the INDRA-FAZIA apparatus on isospin diffusion in Ni 58,64 + Ni 58,64 systems at Fermi energies
Physical Review C, Vol. 106, Núm. 2
Flame confinement in biomass combustion systems for particles abatement
Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 264
Fuzzy logic-based energy management system for grid-connected residential DC microgrids with multi-stack fuel cell systems: A multi-objective approach
Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, Vol. 32
GALTRACE: A highly segmented silicon detector array for charged particle spectroscopy and discrimination
Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica C, Vol. 45, Núm. 5
Impact of measured spectrum variation on solar photovoltaic efficiencies worldwide
Renewable Energy, Vol. 196, pp. 995-1016
Improving the Reliability of an Electric Power System by Biomass-Fueled Gas Engine
Energies, Vol. 15, Núm. 22
Integration of air-cooled multi-stack polymer electrolyte fuel cell systems into renewable microgrids
International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Vol. 142
Interannual variation of measured atmospheric solar radiation extinction levels
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Vol. 51
Modelado Matemático de la Generación de Residuos Sólidos Urbanos en la Provincia de Huelva
Actas de las IV Jornadas ScienCity 2021: Fomento de la Cultura Científica, Tecnológica y de Innovación en Ciudades Inteligentes