Publikationen (79) Publikationen, an denen Forscher/innen teilgenommen haben
226Ra, 210Po and lead isotopes in a pit lake water profile in Sweden
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Vol. 223-224
A blazar as the likely counterpart to 4FGL J0647.7-4418 instead of a gamma-ray binary
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, pp. 4291-4297
A fast and accurate deep learning method for strawberry instance segmentation
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Vol. 178
A highly contaminated estuary by acid mine drainage: Marismas del odiel natural reserve (SW Spain)
Comunicacoes Geologicas, Vol. 107, Núm. Special Issue 2, pp. 133-137
A timeline for the urbanization of wild birds: The case of the lesser kestrel
Quaternary Science Reviews, Vol. 249
An algebraic alternative for the accurate simulation of CO2 Raman spectra
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, Vol. 51, Núm. 3, pp. 569-583
An overview of the scientific contribution of Andrea Vitturi to nuclear physics: Being an account of the recent TNP19 meeting held in Padova
European Physical Journal A, Vol. 56, Núm. 2
Analytic integrability around a nilpotent singularity: The non-generic case
Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, Vol. 19, Núm. 1, pp. 407-423
Analytical approximation of cuspidal loops using a nonlinear time transformation method
Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 373
Analytical approximation of the canard explosion in a van der Pol system with the nonlinear time transformation method
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, Vol. 406
Applicability of the closed-circuit accumulation chamber technique to measure radon surface exhalation rate under laboratory conditions
Radiation Measurements, Vol. 133
Asymptotic expansions for a family of non-generic canards using parametric representation
Applied Mathematics Letters, Vol. 106
Atmospheric benzene measurements in the main metropolitan and industrial areas of Spain from 2014 to 2017
Atmospheric Research, Vol. 238
Be 9 + p breakup at 5.67A MeV in a full kinematics approach
Physical Review C, Vol. 101, Núm. 2
Biometallurgy: Partial biolixiviation of copper from pyrometallurgical slag by a local consortium of hiperacidophilic, quimiolithotrophic bacteria
Comunicacoes Geologicas, Vol. 107, Núm. Special Issue 2, pp. 167-171
Center conditions of a particular polynomial differential system with a nilpotent singularity
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 483, Núm. 2
Chromosomal differentiation in genetically isolated populations of the marsh-specialist crocidura suaveolens (Mammalia: Soricidae)
Genes, Vol. 11, Núm. 3
Computation of all the coefficients for the global connections in the Z2-symmetric Takens-Bogdanov normal forms
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Vol. 81
Conceptual design of a novel and compact superconducting recoil separator for radioactive isotopes
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol. 969
Confronting grand unification with lepton flavour violation, dark matter and LHC data
Journal of High Energy Physics, Vol. 2020, Núm. 9