Evaluación de la personalidad eficaz en población universitaria

  1. Gómez Masera, Raquel
Supervised by:
  1. Francisco Martín del Buey Director
  2. Jerónimo Juídias Barroso Director
  3. María Eugenia Martín Palacio Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 02 February 2012

  1. Alfredo Goñi Grandmontagne Chair
  2. Pilar Alonso Martín Secretary
  3. Isabel de los Reyes Rodríguez Ortiz Committee member
  4. María Ángeles Alcedo Rodríguez Committee member
  5. Antonio Soto Rosales Committee member

Type: Thesis


The main objectives of fhis study were the following: I. The standardization and scaling of an effective personality questionnaire used in a chilean university (peced) with a view to it being used in the spanish university field, and II. The establishment of multivariate modal types in this field by means of the use of the new questionnaire (cpe-u). the gender and academic year variables were also analyzed: to these ends the following steps were carried out: � reliability of the questionnaire analysis (spss-18) � analysis of factorial structure (kmo, bartlett's test and maximum likelihood extraction method and oblimin oblique rotation method) � confirmatory factor analysis (amos 18), � content analysis and predictive validity, � scaling of gendered test (significant differences were obtained based on this variable), � multivariate modal types (cluster analysis by k-medias). all of this on a sample of 676 spanish students from the universities of Huelva, Oviedo, Complutense ( Madrid), Sevilla, Córdoba and Málaga. 70% of the sample was male and 30% female, with an attempt being made to obtain a sample that was representative of the various degree courses. All of these analyses produced the reliable and valid cpe-u questionnaire for the effective personality assessment of a spanish university population with seven first order factors, three second order ones and four dimensions fitted to the theoretical model used. It also provided new empirical evidence to sustain itself. from the analysis of these dimensions four student personality types were extracted: one a prototype of the efficient personality, another of the inefficient personality and two which combined high and low scores, depending on the dimensions. A differentiation of profiles suitable for the development of educational intervention programs in the university context is provided.