Efecto de un método de enseñanza de la danza basado en la técnica creativa, sobre la motivación y las emociones del alumnado de educación física

  1. Amado Alonso, Diana
Supervised by:
  1. Fernando Villar Álvarez Director
  2. Tomás García Calvo Director

Defence university: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 09 February 2015

  1. Eduardo Cervelló Gimeno Chair
  2. Ruth Jiménez Castuera Secretary
  3. Isabel Castillo Fernández Committee member
  4. Antonio Manuel Fonseca Committee member
  5. Pedro Sáenz-López Buñuel Committee member

Type: Thesis


The aim of this thesis was to identify a dance teaching method to increase pupils` self-determined motivation and positive emotions, to facilitate the work of physical education teachers at this content. The sample was formed by 464 students of both genders, from different schools in Extremadura, ranging in age from 14 and 18 years. The design was quasi-experimental and the methodology combines quantitative analysis, using questionnaires to measure different motivational processes and its consequences at psychological level with a pre-test and post-test, with qualitative analysis, using the self-report in different time points to know pupils` testimonials about their motivation and emotional responses during dance practice in physical education. Regarding the analysis of the results, 3 studies were developed: The first was based on the validation of questionnaires, the second was based on the application of an intervention program on teacher teaching style to assess their effects on motivation and emotions, and the third, was based on analyze gender differences between study variables according to the teaching technique used by the teacher, distinguishing between Direct Instruction Technique and Creative Inquiry Technique. In conclusion, the importance of teacher style on pupils` motivational processes during dance teaching in physical education is highlighted.