Estudio comparativo entre Portugal y España, de políticas, acciones y discursos en torno a la igualdad de oportunidades para hombre y mujeres

  1. Cabanillas Sánchez, María José
Supervised by:
  1. Sofia Marques da Silva Director
  2. María Rosa Luengo González Director

Defence university: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 31 January 2015

  1. Jesús Estepa Giménez Chair
  2. Prudencia Gutiérrez Esteban Secretary
  3. Maria Jose de Sousa Magalhaes Committee member
  4. María Mercedes Molina Moreno Committee member
  5. Juan Luis de la Montaña Conchiña Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 375793 DIALNET


This study comes at a first moment of interest in knowing the current policy on equality between men and women in Spain. But, due to the proximity of our neighbor country, Portugal, We consider that it would be interesting to investigate the same policies there and trying to do a common policy for the two countries. In this context, and to respond to our concerns, this work had several objectives, mainly: analysing comparatively the policies of equality at the level of Europe, Spain and Portugal with regard to gender mainstreaming, and the policies conducted by IMEX in Spain and CIG in Portugal. Likewise, it was also our objective to analyze the structure of the organizations selected for this analysis, the IMEX and the CIG. Therefore, a comparative study which were analyzed the legislative documents in the area of the gender equality in Spain and Portugal was made and interviews with technicians and techniques of equality who worked at the two institutions chosen for the analysis. Eleven technicians and techniques of gender equality in total participated in the study. The results suggest that it is possible to carry out a policy of equality common to the two countries as well as we had thought at the beginning of this work, and as a result of this conclusion, we proposes a model of common policy, an Iberian policy on gender equality.