Radios universitarias en España. Plataformas de comunicación interactiva y redes de colaboración Radios universitarias en Españaplataformas de comunicación interactiva y redes de colaboración

  1. Martín Pena, Daniel
unter der Leitung von:
  1. José Ignacio Aguaded Gómez Doktorvater
  2. Agustín Vivas Moreno Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 25 von September von 2013

  1. José López Yepes Präsident/in
  2. Miguel Ángel Ortiz Sobrino Sekretär/in
  3. Xosé Soengas Pérez Vocal

Art: Dissertation


University radios began to develop quite late in Spain, unlike in the United States or South America, for example Argentina and Mexico. In Spain it has only been around for two decades, and has been marked by a slow development at the beginning and by an almost geometric appearance in the past years thanks to the advances in information and communication technology. The appearance of ARU and ICT form the main points of this study. On the one hand, an analysis on platform webs of the Spanish university radios that belong to the Association of University radios noting the possibility that the web 2.0 has to offer and analyzing how they make the most of these radio stations. On the other hand doing a series of interviews to the directors, as well as, the radio station�s main protagonist and the collaborators that belong to the ARU to study the current situation of these, that are marked by a clear point of inflection since the creation of this association in 2011.