Bioacumulación de metales pesados en schoenoplectus californicus (Cyperaceae) de las áreas bentónicas en dos estaciones climáticasEl caso de estudio del Lago San Pablo. Imbabura-Ecuador

  1. Rodríguez Ayala, Suly Margoth
Supervised by:
  1. Ronny Adrián Flores Ortega Director

Defence university: Universidad de Sevilla

Fecha de defensa: 14 February 2019

  1. Isabel González-Díez Chair
  2. Antonio J. Romero Baena Secretary
  3. María de la Luz García Lorenzo Committee member
  4. Juan Carlos Fernández Caliani Committee member
  5. Salvadora Martínez López Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 587613 DIALNET lock_openIdus editor


The objective of this research was to quantify the levels of heavy metals such as acid, cadmium, cobalt, chromium, mercury, nickel and lead found in the soil-plant water system of the benthic zones of Lake San Pablo (Imbabura, Ecuador). in two climatic seasons (winter and summer) to analyze their accumulation through bioaccumulation and translocation factors in native species known as Schoenoplectus californicus or totora. In addition, the ecological risk potential of the environment in the two tributaries and an effect of Lake San Pablo to assess the impact of their presence has been estimated. The estuaries of the Itambi River, the Apangora slope and the Desaguadero have been considered as sampling sites. The instrumental technique of atomic absorption with hydride generation and by direct flame has been used to determine the concentration of heavy metals in ppm present in the water, soil, roots and stems that are part of the totora. It has been found as a result that there is variability in the distribution of heavy metals present in the water, soil, root and stems system with respect to the weather station and the sampling location. Regarding the bioconcentration factor in the roots and stems in Schoenoplectus californicus, it has been found that, in general, this macrophyte does not have the capacity to accumulate large quantities of these heavy metals. The ecological risk potential of the environment has also been evaluated, defining a low-moderate risk in summer and a moderate moderate risk in winter. It is concluded that the existence of these metals in Lake San Pablo is attributed to the combustion of crops, anthropogenic activity, poor management of household and industrial waste, direct discharge of wastewater into the lake, absence of operation of water treatment plants, direct consumption of water and deficient regulation of local control and environmental management agencies.