Radios universitarias y redes sociales. Análisis de la gestión de contenidos de la radio universitaria española en las redes sociales

  1. Casajus, Lucia
Supervised by:
  1. Francisco Fernández Beltrán Director

Defence university: Universitat Jaume I

Fecha de defensa: 28 January 2015

  1. José Javier Marzal Felici Chair
  2. José Ignacio Aguaded Gómez Secretary
  3. Daniel Martín Pena Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 377507 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


The thesis analyses the content management of the Spanish university radio in social networks based on the study of the 23 university radio stations of the Spanish Association of University Radio Stations (ARU). It starts from a theoretical approach to the media on the Internet, the web 2.0 and the social networks, the radio in this context, university radio in general and in Spain in particular. Spanish university radio stations and data from their websites and social network management are analysed. Together with the conclusions, the status and trends of the university radio stations on social networks are studied, thus reflecting on their possibilities for the future. The thesis arises a catalogue of best practices for the integration of social networks in the management of university radios.