Relaciones padres-hijos y estilos de vida en la adolescencia
- García, Marta
- Martínez, Mª Ascension
- Rodrigo López, María José
- Rubio González, Antonia
- Mendoza Berjano, Ramón
- Martín Araujo, Juan Carlos
- Máiquez Chaves, María Luisa
ISSN: 0214-9915
Year of publication: 2004
Volume: 16
Issue: 2
Pages: 203-210
Type: Article
More publications in: Psicothema
Parent-child relationships and life-styles of adolescents. This study examines the variety of adolescents¿ life-styles that exists in a low socio-economic background and their relation with quality of parent-child relationships. A sample of 1417 adolescents (13 to 17 year olds) were interviewed about tobacco, alcohol and other substance use, eating habits, sports, knowledge on contraceptive methods and AIDS, perceived health, self-image, peer relations, school life, and other related issues. Reports about quality of parent-child relationships were also obtained. Results from multiple correspondence factor analysis indicated that healthy life-styles typical of 13 year olds moderately decreased around 15 or 16 year olds. An extreme pattern of unhealthy life-styles was found in those adolescents referred by the social services or following alternative school curriculum. Communication and support from parents as well as agreement on educational matters seem to be protective factors associated to healthy life styles at any age group.
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