Caracterización fisicoquímica y reológica de la pulpa de borojó (Borojoa patinoi Cuatrec.) y productos alimentarios derivados
- Díaz Ocampo, Raúl
- José María Franco Gómez Director
Defence university: Universidad Internacional de Andalucía
Fecha de defensa: 18 December 2014
- Pedro Partal López Chair
- Felipe Cordobés Carmona Secretary
- María Jesús Hernández Lucas Committee member
Type: Thesis
This doctoral thesis was done in the framework of development and rheological characterization of fruit pulps and derived food products. Specifically, the fresh pulp of borojó (Borojoa patinoi Cuatrec.) from the province of Los Rios (Ecuador) was used as raw material for the formulation and development of products such as jams and smoothies, studying their nutritional, physicochemical, microbiological and rheological properties as well as some sensorial parameters. A full physicochemical and rheological characterization of both borojó fresh pulp and derived jams and smoothies formulations was perfomed as a result of this research, the knowledge generated could be applied to the industrial processing of this pulp. Attending the great variability of rheological data available for tropical fruits pulp, the major challenge of this research was to fully characterize the rheological behavior of borojó pulp (Borojoa patinoi Cuatrec.) and some derived food products such as jam formulations, with the addition of different pectin concentrations, and smoothies with different solid content. In general, in addition to the physicochemical and rheological characterization of these products, a sensory analysis was performed and the influence of some formulation parameters and temperature on the rheological behavior was analyzed. As a result of this investigation, finally, a series of formulations that could be potentially commercialized was proposed. Borojó pulp (Borojoa patinoi Cuatrec.) has a low pH and important levels of carbohydrates and calcium, and its microbiological quality is optimal, with counts of microorganisms that are within the allowed range according to regulations. Besides this, borojó pulp behaves like a non-Newtonian shear thinning fluid, also with gel-like characteristics. Temperature does not significantly influence the rheological behavior of borojo pulp