La enfermedad de andradeprofundizando en las necesidades sociales y personales

  1. montérdez santos, inmaculada
Supervised by:
  1. Joaquina Castillo Algarra Director
  2. Emilia Moreno Sánchez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 22 November 2019

  1. José Andrés Domínguez Gómez Chair
  2. Rosa María Díaz Jiménez Secretary
  3. Alice Lopes Committee member

Type: Thesis


The current research project consists on the one hand of collecting data which allow a description of the endemic focus of Corino de Andrade’s disease in Valverde del Camino and on the other hand, of bringing this pathology to light. The problem in the research was obtaining information which would allow us to study in depth the psychosocial and health knowledge about the people who suffer this disease, with the aim of identifying their needs and understand how these were being met, identifying the role that Social Services play in attending to this group. The methodology of the research concentrated on studying the case of Valverde del Camino, approaching in two directions, exploratory for the social aspect and descriptive for the clinical aspect. It consists of a transverse study made in the community of Valverde del Camino and in which 140 people took part, among which were people suffering the disease, asymptomatic carriers, family members, health professionals and the general population. Various variables were considered which centred on social, health, work, personal, family and economic aspects. This information was obtained by means of the quantitative tool of a survey, and it was therefore also necessary to use qualitative tools such as group discussions and interviews. The process took place in five phases. It was concluded that Corino de Andrade’s disease should be treated as a Public Health problem and not as a minor illness. The affected people were identified as having psychosocial needs as well as health issues, and therefore it is necessary for them to be treated by multidisciplinary teams where social science professionals are also included. The associations of patients, together with their families, principally mothers and wives, have a very important role in the support of these people. There is a great sensitivity in the Valverde population, although it is considered that campaigns are necessary to disseminate information about the disease. On the other hand, even the health professionals believe that the information available about this disease is scarce and they consider that it is important to extend their training for this pathology, in order to give better treatment to their patients. Furthermore they consider research and co-ordination to be vital in order to continue advancing knowledge about this disease.