Los propósitos emprendedores de las personas estudiantes del grado en fisioterapia: caso del municipio de Osuna (Sevilla, España)

  1. Isadora Sánchez Torné
  2. Macarena Pérez Suárez
  3. José Ignacio Belda Álvarez
  4. Juan Antonio Márquez Domínguez
Hélices y anclas para el desarrollo local
  1. Juan Antonio Márquez Domínguez (dir.)
  2. Jorge Luis Llamas Chávez (dir.)

Publisher: Universidad de Cartagena ; Universidad de Huelva

ISBN: 978-84-8163-602-4 978-84-8163-601-7

Year of publication: 2019

Pages: 223-235

Type: Book chapter


Different empirical investigations have shown that entrepreneurship is key to economic growth because it improves competitiveness and is a source of new sources of employment in the municipalities. This research set out to find out the entrepreneurial intentions (IE) of potential entrepreneurs in a given territory such as the town of Osuna (Andalusia, Spain), which has a population of 17,622 people (2018) and has an unemployment rate of 19.02% (April 2019), making it an area eager for new employment opportunities, which can come from local development actions. The sample responded to university students of professions that are developed mainly on their own, so the students of the Degree in Physiotherapy of the University Center of Osuna (center attached to the University of Seville) were surveyed. The four courses of the degree (from first to fourth) of an academic year were covered, proposing a questionnaire that took a Likert Scale of 1 to 5 (from lowest to highest). As a result, personal attitudes towards entrepreneurship (AE), control of perceived behaviour (CCP), entrepreneurial intention (IE), entrepreneurial capacities (CE), and transversal competences (TC) were identified. In addition, it is necessary to emphasize the high social norm (NS) and social evaluation (ES) of the environment of the students on entrepreneurship (4,15). The findings offer a way to develop programs to support territorial entrepreneurship with the aim of strengthening the entrepreneurial culture of Osuna, as they can reduce the high rate of unemployment, depopulation of the area and differentiate the productive activity.