Una infancia al límitela protección social y educativa de menores con SIDA

  1. González Faraco, Juan Carlos
  2. Iglesias Villarán, Inmaculada
  3. Pérez Moreno, Heliodoro Manuel
  4. Morón Marchena, Juan Agustín
Revista española de educación comparada

ISSN: 1137-8654

Year of publication: 2014

Issue: 23

Pages: 95-115

Type: Article

DOI: 10.5944/REEC.23.2014.12299 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Revista española de educación comparada

Sustainable development goals


HIV/AIDS has affected and continues to affect millions of children around the world, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. In addition to its very serious health effects, the disease often leads to discrimination against those who suffer from it, including the violation of some of their most fundamental rights. A wide array of international organizations and agencies has for years developed programs intended to disseminate therapies, to prevent new infections and to combat the stigma and exclusion associated with the disease. Most of these programs propose social and educational global actions. A valuable resource to guide and adapt these programs to local conditions is attaining and understanding of the life experiences of people living with HIV, collected through biographical narratives. As an example of the utility of this approach, this pape r presents some results of recent research on Spanish children and adolescents with HIV.

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