Imaginarios infantiles sobre el consumo publicitariola edupublicidad como estrategia de alfabetización mediática

Supervised by:
  1. José Ignacio Aguaded Gómez Director
  2. Ana Castro Zubizarreta Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 19 December 2018

  1. María Amor Pérez Rodríguez Chair
  2. Maria Rosa Garcia Ruiz Secretary
  3. Laybet Colmenares Zamora Committee member

Type: Thesis


The media and its bombardment of visual advertising have built imaginary children who are permeated by the effects of the images that surround them and accompany them daily. This is how, through the visual stimuli received, children conceive their way of perceiving, consuming, understanding the world and developing in it. The interest of children is evident, because of their appearance, tapies such as diet, plastic surgery ar fashion are not strange terms for them and money is an element within their reach, which turns babies into capricious consumers. It is the moment in which adults, and especially school, are aware of the close relationship bet\veen advertising messages and child consmnption, which are seriously shaping the lives of children, which makes necessary the emergence of sensitive proposals that form the new generation, guiding them on daily consumption, human values, and their aspirations. For this reason, it is pertinent to know and understand now more than ever, the dynamics that children face, because we should not be indifferent to the communicational environment in which they operate; the numerous screens and the diverse contents that build their knowledge, their imagination, their abilities and even their thought from the seen. Therefore, educational research must address with greater interest the imaginaries conceived by children before so many sensory and consumer possibilities, so that we can know and better understand current childhood, identifying their imaginaries about advertising and the incidence of their personality. It can make educational proposals that empower children, give it autonomy, visibility and, above al1, a critic, ethical, constructive and responsible towards the advertising messages and the consumption that is prometed through them. The main objective of the study was to interpret children's imaginaries about the consumption of adve1tising, through edubublicity as a tool for media literacy, for which it was based on three specific purposes: to describe the daily relationship that children have with advertising as media. Identify the imaginary that children have about advertising, from their own point of view, discovering through listening and participation, what they think, feel, reflect and project through them. And to raise the importance of advertising as a media literacy strategy. In relation to the sample and acting with the necessary protocols to work with children, 331 Colombian students aged between 7 and 13 years of third, fourth and fifth grade of primary school voluntarily attended the research. The purpose of the project and the objectives were presented to the directives, as well as to the teaching stafI Thus, through their suppo11, schools offered their authorization to involve students enrolled in the respective courses, who before consulting the activities were also asked to cooperate in the research, with the prior and informed consent of their families. , in such a way that the rights of children and their freedom to decide on their voluntary collaboration in research activities were always taken as a priority. Regarding the methodological design, the qualitative paradigm predominates dueto the marked interest of the research to interpret the immersed elements of the reality of the students studied. Therefore, it is based on observation, listening and interpretation. The work also considers the quantitative contribution, with the help of the survey, since it allowed the operationalization of the data obtained and elucidate the information found. It should be noted then that the method of this investigation is mixed. School and family can help children read and interpret advertising messages critically.