La alfabetización mediática entre estudiantes de primaria y secundaria en Andalucía (España)
- Ignacio Aguaded 1
- Isidro Marín Gutiérrez 2
- Elena Díaz Parejo 3
Universidad de Huelva
Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja
Universidad de Jaén
ISSN: 1138-2783
Year of publication: 2015
Issue Title: La filosofía educativa de los MOOC y la educación universitaria
Volume: 18
Issue: 2
Pages: 275-298
Type: Article
More publications in: RIED: revista iberoamericana de educación a distancia
The media consumption by children and young people in our society and is a fact. Since 2010 has been driven R & D project that aims to assess media literacy in compulsory education in Andalusia. The content was defined based on six dimensions developed to assess the skill levels of citizenship. This paper analyzes the degree of media literacy in primary and secondary school population in Andalusia. It is a critical challenge for the information society in which we are and is an important task to prepare media literacy training activities in the future. The study reports the comparative results of two surveys conducted in the autonomous community of Andalusia in a varied sample of Andalusian schools. Both tools are designed to be implemented on line and each built a platform real-time tracking. To identify needs and gaps and plan for future strategies in school. The study defines media literacy and analysis of its dimensions and various categories of the quantitative study. This research concludes that the population of primary and mainly secondary media literacy lacks the dimension analyzed. It is necessary to develop a course in media education in the school curriculum.
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