Nuevo enfoque de la planificación de la producción sostenible del cementopropuesta de un modelo de optimización para reducir las emisiones de CO2
- Ana Gessa Perera Director
Defence university: Universidad de Huelva
Fecha de defensa: 30 January 2013
- José Ángel Miguel Dávila Chair
- Maria Inmaculada Martinez Garcia Secretary
- María del Mar González-Zamora Committee member
Type: Thesis
The entry into force of the Kyoto Protocol (KP) requires Spanish cement factories covered by Directive 2003/87/EC to control their carbon dioxide emissions. The search for the optimal combination of available measurements of these emissions adjustment to reconcile the objectives of production with environmental requirements, require new approaches in planning industrial production, incorporating new parameters and variables. In this thesis we address the optirnization decisions through an integrated approach, using a linear prograrnming model, which jointly considers viable altematives to reduce emissions, both from the application of the flexibility mechanisms of the KP, as in tended to improve products and production processes. Their implementation will determine, in advance, decisions that optimize the use of the productive resources ofthe cement industry.