Nivel de dominio de las habilidades psicológicas en jóvenes jugadores de tenis de mesa, bádminton y fútbol
- Godoy Izquierdo, Débora
- Vélez Toral, Mercedes
- Pradas de la Fuente, Francisco
ISSN: 1132-239X, 1988-5636
Year of publication: 2009
Volume: 18
Issue: 1
Pages: 7-22
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista de psicología del deporte
The objective of this study was to establish the level of control over psychological skills possessed by young table tennis, badminton and football players in different categories of sports for young people and to study its possible association with their experience in sport and competition (years playing and years competing). 12 table tennis players from the beginners category (age: M= 11.09, sd= 1.38), 4 badminton players from the juniors category (age: M= 16.25, sd= 0.5) and 25 football players, 13 from the beginners category (age: M= 11.31, sd= 0.48) and 12 from the juniors category (age: M= 17.00, sd= 0.85), all of whom belong to sports federations, participated in this study. The participants answered the Questionnaire on Psychological Skills and Behaviours in Young Children's Sport Competitions Scale (Godoy-Izquierdo et al., 2006 a, b). Young athletes' level of control over psychological skills is generally deficient, and no significant differences were found between racquet-sport athletes and football players, although significant differences in some psychological skills did exist in the case of lower-ranking categories. No significant differences were found as regards experience with sport and competition. The results indicate the appropriateness of considering psychological training so as to complete players' preparation in order to improve the psychological skills that allow them to adequately tackle the increasing demands of participating in a sport as their level of involvement progresses in both individual and group sports.
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