Influencia del plano de alimentacion sobre los parametros reproductivos en ovejas de reducido nivel ovulatorioEffect of plane of nutrition on the reproductive performances of low ovulatory level ewes
- F. Forcada Miranda 1
- J.A. Abecia Martínez 1
- L. Zarazaga Garcés 1
- J.M. Lozano Cantín 1
Universidad de Zaragoza
ISSN: 0004-0592
Year of publication: 1992
Volume: 41
Issue: 152
Pages: 113-120
Type: Article
More publications in: Archivos de zootecnia
The effect of a 6 weeks flushing before mating on the reproductive parameters has been studied in 91 Rasa Aragonesa ewes at the onset of the breeding season. Thus, ewes were allocated into two groups accordingthe plane of nutrition: high group, F (1.7 M, 48 ewes) and low group, M (43 ewes). Mean liveweight (LW) was different at the onset of the experiment (46.5 vs 49.3 kg respectively; p<0,05) and similar at mating (48.9 vs 49.9 kg respectively). Both fertility and ovulation rateand prolificacy were slightly higher forF ewes, such as this group reached a 32% extra lambing in comparison with M group. This fact confirms the useful effect of increasing LW before mating on reproductive parameters. The higher increase of the probability of multiple ovulation was in the 45-50 kg range of LW indicating that the most important effect of the flushing is exerted on an intermedium level of LW in this breed.