Autoeficacia específica para la Jubilación, Intenciones de retiro y Satisfacción vital en trabajadores mayores de 40 años
- Encarna Valero Ibáñez 1
- Adrián Segura 1
- Gabriela Topa Cantisano 2
Universidad de Huelva
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
ISSN: 1578-908X
Year of publication: 2015
Volume: 12
Issue: 1
Pages: 35-46
Type: Article
More publications in: Acción psicológica
Retirement self-efficacy includes perceptions of the extent to which one will be capable of dealing with the tasks involved in the new retiree situation. This research aims to explore the psychosocial factors that predict retirement intentions and satisfaction with life near retirement. The study has been conducted with a sample of 1,325 Spanish workers aged 40 and over. Retirement self-efficacy predicted retirement intentions (part-time retirement, and full retirement) and life satisfaction near retirement, adding predictive power to generalized self efficacy. Despite this fact, only two Retirement self efficacy dimensions successfully explained all the results (finances and health). Our findings highlight that retirement self efficacy positively predict both full retirement and retirement satisfaction of aged workers, and negatively predicted partial retirement intentions. The implications of these studies are discussed for understanding retirement planning and counselling practice.
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