Cuantificación de procesos de erosión costera en el litoral suratlántico español. Primeros resultados.
- del Río, L. 1
- Javier Benavente González
- Gracia, F.J. 1
- Anfuso, G. 1
- Martínez del Pozo, J.A. 1
- Domínguez, L. 1
- Rodríguez-Ramírez, A. 2
- Flores, E. 2
- Cáceres, L.M. 2
- López-Aguayo, F. 1
- Rodríguez-Vidal, J. 2
Universidad de Cádiz
Universidad de Huelva
ISSN: 0213-683X
Any de publicació: 2002
Número: 33
Pàgines: 3-6
Tipus: Article
Altres publicacions en: Geogaceta
Aerial photographs and historical records have been analyzed to reconstruct the coastal evolution in recent times, while the erosive processes acting in the short term have been studied by means of a field monitoring programo Both working techniques do not always provide the same results and they must be combined for a realistic knowledge of the erosional state of the coast. In the Gulf of Cádiz two main causes produce coastal erosion: the construction of dams in fluvial basins and the building of coastal engineering structures. A map of morpho-erosive states has been made for the Bay of Cádiz, based on the results of the beach monitoring program and the morphometric measurements made on aerial photographs.