Ríos mediterráneos, aproximación a la evaluación del estado ecológico y planificación para la conservación a través de los peces
- Hermoso López, Virgilio
- José Prenda Marín Directeur
Université de défendre: Universidad de Huelva
Fecha de defensa: 15 juillet 2008
- Narcís Prat Fornells President
- Juan Carlos Pérez Quintero Secrétaire
- María Rosario Vidal-Abarca Gutiérrez Rapporteur
- Ana María Pujante Mora Rapporteur
- Leandro del Moral Ituarte Rapporteur
Type: Thèses
This Thesis has addressed the management of the ecological status and conservation of Mediterranean rivers, by means of freshwater fish communities. The study area located in the Guadiana River basin stands out at a circunmediterranean context for its high native species richness and its threat status,what provides with a special meaning the present work. Firstly, the evaluation of the ecological status and the diagnostic of the main stressors responsible for the observed condition were faced. For this purpose a fish-based index was developed, to fulfill the exigencies established in the European Water Framework Directive. As a complement to the evaluation of the ecological status, a systematic conservation planning for the freshwater fish biodiversity in the study area was addressed. Here, an extensively tool used in terrestrial and marine systematic conservation planning was adapted to the special case of freshwater ecosystems.