La formación del animador deportivo en el marco de la Asociación Española de Deporte para Todos

  1. Rebollo González, José Antonio
Supervised by:
  1. Pedro Sáenz-López Buñuel Director
  2. José María Rodríguez López Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 14 December 2007

  1. Cristina Mayor Ruiz Chair
  2. Ángela Sierra Robles Secretary
  3. Francisco Javier Giménez Fuentes-Guerra Committee member
  4. Juan Torres Guerrero Committee member
  5. J. Santiago Arencibia Committee member

Type: Thesis


We have confirmed in different studies the increase in free time in modern society, and how the physical-sport activity, is one of the most popular ways of using this free time, transforming it into leisure time in an active way. We think that a training plan for Sport Activity Coordinators is necessary and we have opted for the study of the training in the field of Sport for Everyone, analyzing the current situation, through interviews with people who have taken part in a full training programme with the Sport for Everyone Association. Once the course finished, it was assessed both by students as well as the teaching staff. Following this,we have triangulated the data from the interviews, and we have arrived at several conclusions which we have gathered together in our study. We hope that in future projects these tasks can be continued, developing a complete training programme for Coodinators of Sport for Everyone.