El Prácticum en la licenciatura de psicopedagogía de la Universidad de Huelvaimplicaciones en la formación del psicopedagogo y su incidencia en la apertura de yacimientos de empleo
- Manuel Monescillo Palomo Directeur/trice
Université de défendre: Universidad de Huelva
Fecha de defensa: 07 septembre 2007
- Leonor Buendía Eisman President
- José Ignacio Aguaded Gómez Secrétaire
- Julio Manuel Barroso Osuna Rapporteur
- Honorio Salmerón Pérez Rapporteur
- Juan Carlos González Faraco Rapporteur
Type: Thèses
This work investigates the Practicum of Educational Psychology in Huelva; the repercussions in the student, the possibilities and the incidents in the opening of new employment prospects for graduates in Educational Psychology are analyzed. From the conclusions, we can highlight: the need to consider the Practicum as an important formative subject for the student, which requires a greater coordination between the teachers and tutors; to adapt the planning according to the type of educational centre where the practicum takes place; to look for cohesion between the study plan and the competences required for the profession in the practicum centres. The Practicum brings the student closer to the work field and allows the creation of news employment prospects. An e-learning tool has been devised using Moodle for the monitoring and communication between the sectors involved in the Practicum and proposal of formative activity for the professionals who monitor the Practicum.