Tratamiento del deporte dentro del área de educación física durante la etapa de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria en la provincia de Huelva

  1. Robles Rodríguez, José
Supervised by:
  1. Francisco Javier Giménez Fuentes-Guerra Director
  2. José María Rodríguez López Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 22 July 2008

  1. Francisco Javier Castejón Oliva Chair
  2. Pedro Sáenz-López Buñuel Secretary
  3. Ángel Boza Carreño Committee member
  4. David Cárdenas Vélez Committee member
  5. José Tierra Orta Committee member

Type: Thesis


At present the sport is present in all the scopes of our society, and how no, in the educative scope. For this reason, we must have present that the physical activity � sport it is an aspect that is going to influence of direct way in the integral education of the young people. Therefore, with our study we try to know the reality as far as the treatment that the educational ones give to the sport in the classes of Physical education during the stage of Obligatory Secondary Education in the Province of Huelva. In order to obtain the first results we have designed a questionnaire in which data take shelter like: profile of the teaching staff, initial formation and permanent of educational, the aspects related to the sport initiation and, the main treatment of the element of the curriculum in relation to the sport, as they are the objectives, contents, methodology and evaluation. For the design of this instrument we counted on the opinions and revisions of a group of experts, as well as the judgment of value of a group of educational in active-duty. Once finalized the process of elaboration of the instrument study object was applied to the population. For the analysis of the collected data we have used statistical program SPSS 13.0. Next, with the aim of deepening in the data collected with questionnaries a semistructured interview was designed, which was applied ten educational ones that they responded to the different existing profiles in the group from Physical education, and was analyzed by means of AQUAD 5.0. Later, the data collected in both instruments were compared thus giving rise to the triangulation of the same. Between the main obtained results we can emphasize, that an important sector of the teaching staff considers not to have knowledge sufficient to distribute any sport content. In addition, unanimity as far as the application of the sport contents is not observed from the point of view of the sport initiation, since only something plus half of the teaching staff supports this idea.On the other hand, although all the educational ones do not silverplate the same contents in the classroom, we found that they are the most used collective sports, and during the development of these more value to the actitudinales aspects is granted, followed of the procedural ones, and they stress thus it at the time of raising the objectives. As far as the used methodology, it is observed that there is an ample sector of the teaching staff who continues granting importance the aspects technical over the tactical ones, although is in the second cycle where they have more importance. The use of the game is an aspect valued very well by the educational ones, nevertheless does not happen the same with the application of the competition, which wakes up certain discrepancies in the group.On the other hand, in relation to the evaluation it is observed that although the systematic observation is the evaluated instrument more, the tests of technical execution and the examinations have an important weight in the same.With respect to the most valued it is observed that they are the attitudes, in the first cycle, those that have more weight, although when advancing in the stage to him it is granted more value to the procedures. Finally, we concluded the investigation raising a series of directions facing the exposition of the sport contents throughout ESO, as well as series of implications with which the treatment of the sport contents in the classes of Physical education could be improved.