Aspectos organizativos y didácticos de la enseñanza elemental en Huelva durante el período de 1857 a 1900. 2 Vol.

  1. González Losada, Sebastián
Supervised by:
  1. José Romero Delgado Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 10 December 1996

  1. Luis Miguel Villar Angulo Chair
  2. José María Rodríguez López Secretary
  3. María del Valle Moreno Medina Committee member
  4. José Manuel Coronel Llamas Committee member
  5. Teresa Marín Eced Committee member

Type: Thesis


This thesis is the first study carried out on the Primary Education in the city of Huelva during 19th Century. The investigation has been developing since 1857 until 1900, although incursions are made before and after of that period necessarily. The educative administration, teachers, schools, social, economic and politic context are the topics treat in this project. In an important way, we should indicate that there is an aim apart in which we pay more attention in this investigation, we are referred to curriculum what is developed in the schools of this city. We finish saying that this thesis intends to situate the genesis and initial development of the institutionalization of Primary Education in Huelva.