Dirección escolar y atención a la diversidadrutas para el desarrollo de una escuela para todos
- José Manuel Coronel Llamas Director
Defence university: Universidad de Huelva
Fecha de defensa: 20 October 2011
- María Angeles Parrilla Latas Chair
- María José Carrasco Macías Secretary
- Julián López-Yáñez Committee member
- Francisco Javier Murillo Torrecilla Committee member
Type: Thesis
This thesis attempts to show the importance of leadership in managing diversity in schools having as a principal objective to "'analyze, describe, compare and interpret the management of diversity and inclusive management practices of the management teams in public Nursery and Primary Education schools in Andalusia covered by the Compensatory Education Plan by studying a case of good inclusive management practices that build a school for everybody". Draw a map ofthe situation in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia, pass for three cases in Manchester, and it takes into particular account the case study by analyzing school management policies and practices through a qualitative methodology, specifically, ethnography. This case may be illustrative of the effort that da y to da y management teams, teachers, and educational communities are able to trust in the power of education, teaching school and educational work for the sake of equality, fairness and respect to diversity.