Caracterización y comportamiento del ozono y los óxidos de nitrógeno en Andalucía Occidental

  1. Domínguez López, Daniel
Dirixida por:
  1. Federico Vaca Galán Director
  2. José Antonio Adame Carnero Director
  3. Benito A. de la Morena Carretero Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 30 de outubro de 2009

  1. Juan Pedro Bolívar Raya Presidente
  2. Enrique Gutiérrez de San Miguel Herrera Secretario
  3. Alberto Notario Molina Vogal
  4. María del Mar Sorribas Panero Vogal

Tipo: Tese


Ozono is one of the air pollutants wich may cause greater negative effects in the troposphere. The main aim of this work is to analyzed the spatial and temporal behaviour of the concentrations of ozone and nitrogen oxides, main precursors of ozone in the troposphere along with volatile organic compounds, in western Andalusia. The levels of these compounds have been analyzed. The annual, monthly, weekly and daily cicles have been studied. The behaviour of this gases during the occurrence of the main meteorological scenarios identified in western Andalusia has been analyzed. Finally, situations with high concentrations have been studied