Industrias cárnicas, territorio y desarrollo en Sierra Morenala transformación del cerdo ibérico en las comarcas de Jerez de los Caballeros, Llerena y Azuaga (Badajoz), la Sierra, el Andévalo occidental y el Andévalo oriental (Huelva), la Sierra norte (Sevilla) y los Pedroches (Córdoba)

  1. García Delgado, Francisco Javier
Dirigée par:
  1. Juan Antonio Márquez Domínguez Directeur

Université de défendre: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 10 mars 2003

  1. Gabriel Cano García President
  2. José Manuel Jurado Almonte Secrétaire
  3. Antonio Maya Frades Rapporteur
  4. Rosa María Jordá Borrell Rapporteur
  5. Rubén Lois García Rapporteur

Type: Thèses


Meat industries, territory and development in Sierra Morena. The transformation of Iberian pig in the districts of Jerez de los Caballeros, Llerena and Azuaga (Badajoz), Sierra Andévalo Occidental and Andévalo Oriental (Huelva), Sierra Norte (Sevilla) and Los Pedroches (Córdoba), rises from the idea that this activity can involve an alternative model of development differing from the proposed by EU and many other public administrations incumbent on rural spaces, since tertiaritation. Based on rural tourism, is not as a last resort for these territories, and can be leaned by industrial development, in this case by the transformation of Iberian Pig. Furthermore, frecuently, this industry in the only appeared on secondary sector of a depressed environment, marginal and marginalized, strongly dependent, and, taking up a traditional activity known from the ancient times, in Western Sierra Morena (mountain Districts at the Provinces of Badajoz, Córdoba, Sevilla and Huelva) unusual heights of development are achieved. The factors involved in a productive and geographically �complex� reality are tackled. Physical elements would take part as natural determinings of the activity (climate, altitude and water), and at the same time have influence on �dehesa� (kind of wooded meadow, or Mediterranean savannah) and Iberian Pig, both determined by production systems. All these elements explain the location of an Iberian Pig Meat Industry, and its productive system. However, general changes in agroalimentary sector, quality demand and market junctures force this activity to integrate with international productive system. This aspect becomes obvious in a group of transformations, but not in the traditional production system, it�s on industrial and business strategies becoming Sierra Morena a focal point of industrial attraction. Moreover, new business strategies are producing collateral processes as concentration, diversification, relocation, modernization and industrial technification, that can solve difficulties of the past, but at the same time can lead into ones.