La formación del profesorado de educación física de ESO en Andalucía en relación con las actividades en el medio natural

  1. Sáez Padilla, Jesús
Supervised by:
  1. José María Rodríguez López Director
  2. Francisco Javier Giménez Fuentes-Guerra Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 31 March 2009

  1. Juan Torres Guerrero Chair
  2. Pedro Sáenz-López Buñuel Secretary
  3. Marisa Santos-Pastor Committee member
  4. Manuel Díaz Trillo Committee member
  5. Sergio José Ibáñez Godoy Committee member

Type: Thesis


In the first chapter we make an assessment of the topic, and major concerns and interests that we have favored the election of the same. In the second chapter we review the literature to learn the theoretical aspects of activities in the natural environment. In the first half, as has been the trend throughout history until our days. In the second part we post to define, classify and understand that activities are in the wild. We will say what are the common characteristics and the objectives pursued. In the third part, we analyze the various official documents relating to the Compulsory Secondary Education in which we find continuing reviews of activities in the natural environment. We refer to the framework documents that guide and direct educational practice. We conclude this section with an approximation of the current status of outdoor education in schools. In the last part, we analyze the existing training supply related activities in the natural environment as well as teacher training needs in this contents. Developed in chapter three the entire methodology of the investigation, describing the most important research models and research tools used in our study. In chapter four we analyze and discuss data from the questionnaires, focusing on the most relevant aspects of each dimension. In chapter five we present the results of interviews conducted nine teachers who teach in the different educational levels, particularly in the university and compulsory secondary education. In the sixth chapter we will compare the data obtained from instruments used in the collection of information from previous stages of research, questionnaire and interview. With the results obtained we carried out the triangulation, understood as the technique of confrontation and comparison tool for different types of data analysis and with the same objective can help to validate a study and enhance the conclusions derived from it (Rodriguez, Pozo and Gutierrez, 2006). The seventh chapter is divided into three sections: limitations of the study, the conclusion and future prospects and implications of research. In the eighth chapter we list all references used to carry out our study.