La transgresión tortoniense en el margen pasivo de la cuenca del Guadalquivirrespuesta estratigráfica e implicaciones paleontológicas

  1. Abad de los Santos, Manuel
Supervised by:
  1. Francisco Ruiz Muñoz Director
  2. José Gabriel Pendón Martín Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 28 March 2007

  1. Jorge Civis Llovera Chair
  2. José Ángel González Delgado Secretary
  3. Maria Isabel Prudêncio Committee member
  4. Joaquín Rodríguez Vidal Committee member
  5. José Rodríguez Fernández Committee member

Type: Thesis


During Tortonian the passive margin of the Guadalquivir Basin underwent an important transgression caused by both subsidence and eustasy. This event contributed to the formation of a marine platform, with coastal transgressive deposits elaborated onto the emerged Variscan substrate. Throughout the considered sector of the margin, the tortonian sedimentary record includes a great heterogeneity of facies. Due to the complex facies architecture of these deposits, they have been grouped into the formation denominated Basal Transgressive Complex (BTC). The different types of transgressive records along the Huelva and Sevilla provinces and the paleogeographic evolution of the Guadalquivir foreland basin during late Miocene have been studied in this memory. These transgressive pulses have been linked to high frequency climatic changed and its have modulated by the tectonic evolution of the Betic Chain.