Vegetación del manto eólico de Doñana. 2 Volúmenes

  1. López Albacete, Itziar
Supervised by:
  1. Pablo José Hidalgo Fernández Director
  2. Adolfo Francisco Muñoz Rodríguez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 16 January 2009

  1. Javier José Loidi Arregui Chair
  2. Francisco Javier Jiménez Nieva Secretary
  3. Carlos Salazar Mendías Committee member
  4. Emilio Ruíz de Clavijo Committee member
  5. Jesús Muñoz Álvarez Committee member

Type: Thesis


Flora and vegetation of Aeolian sand Systems of Doñana has been analyzed. This area is especially interesting due to be a Natural and National Park. Besides, it is a Reserve of Biosphere, RAMSAR area and it also been proposed as a Community Important site (CIS) with European Nature 2000 Net. A total of 694 inventories of vegetation have been carried out in the study area following the methodology proposed by Sigmatistic Phytosociological School. With a view to obtain objective information, these inventories have been classified by means of multivariate analysis. The results of this analysis classify the inventories in 83 syntaxa, 26 of them new for the vegetation described in the territory. Besides four new syntaxa are proposed for the study area. An alloctonous list of flora is also included. Finally, a catalogue of all species detected in our study as well as those cited in the literature is presented.