Las metáforas de la melancolía: un acercamiento desde la filosofía, la literatura y las artes plásticas

  1. Castro Santiago, Manuela
Supervised by:
  1. Luis Miguel Arroyo Arrayás Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 20 January 2012

  1. Javier Francisco San José Lera Chair
  2. Marisa Vadillo Secretary
  3. Alberto Manuel Rodríguez Campos Committee member
  4. Jose María Morillas Alcázar Committee member
  5. Ramón Román Alcalá Committee member

Type: Thesis


In this work, different ways which adopt this vague an intense tendency towards unease and restlessness a common territory of philosophy, literature and art which we call melancholy are explored. Said experience has been shown throughout the history of our culture through different artistic and literary expressed in metaphors such as pain, weariness, emptiness, irony, yearning for the absolute, disorientation in space, preoccupation about time and the pleasure of expressing oneself using an aphorism a way ofsublimation ofthe fragmented vision ofreality.