La educación para la salud en las etapas escolares de infantil y primariadificultades y alternativas

  1. González de Haro, María Dolores
Supervised by:
  1. Antonio Romero Muñoz Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 28 October 2004

  1. Juan Fernández Sierra Chair
  2. Isabel Latorre Fernández Secretary
  3. José Luis Sánchez Ramos Committee member
  4. Dolors Juvinyà Canal Committee member
  5. Emilia Moreno Sánchez Committee member

Type: Thesis


ls an investigation etnográfica. They have been studied in depth the difficulties and the alternatives of the Education for the Health like transversal subject in the levels of Childish and Primary Education of the Public Centres and Concertados of Huelva. The evidences more relevantes on the difficulties: The transversal character, the dissociation between the familiar and school surroundings, the social values predominant, the conception of Health of the profesorado, The deficient training of the profesorado, the absence of didactic resources, the scarce support of the Educative Administration and the insufficient collaboration between the Centre of Health and the School. The alternatives summary in three lines of intervention: the conception of integral Health in the profesorado, to familiar level and in the surroundings of the boys and girls; the innovation in education and the action intersectorial.