Mineralogía y geoquímica de la alteración superficial de sulfuros masivos en la Faja Pirítica Ibérica

  1. Capitán Suárez, María Ángeles
Supervised by:
  1. José Miguel Nieto Liñán Director
  2. Gabriel Ruiz de Almodóvar Sel Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 23 May 2006

  1. Francisco Velasco Roldán Chair
  2. Juan Carlos Fernández Caliani Secretary
  3. José Torres Ruiz Committee member
  4. Carlos Ayora Ibáñez Committee member
  5. Bernhard Dold Committee member

Type: Thesis


The mineralogical, microtextural and geochemical characterization of gossan profiles generated from the oxidation of massive sulfides in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (Riotinto, Tharsis and Las Cruces deposits), allows us to determinate the different genetic stages that have occurred during the formation of these alteration profiles. From this data, we interpreted the physical and chemical conditions that existed in each genetic stages recognized. By radiometric methods we determine the age of the alteration processes, and so the age of the gossan profiles. Finally, these processes have been located into the regional geological context.