Uma nova economiaavaliação do impacto das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação na produtividade do sector hoteleiro : uma análise exploratória com o DEA + Resumen
- Leal Paço, Cidália María
- Juan Manuel Cepeda Pérez Director
Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Huelva
Fecha de defensa: 22 de xaneiro de 2014
- Antonio Genaro Leal Millán Presidente/a
- Francisco José Martínez López Secretario
- Célia Ramos Vogal
Tipo: Tese
The overall objective of the thesis is to evaluate the impact of ICT on productivity of 4 and 5 star hotels in Portugal and contribute to the identification of the mechanisms that explain the relationship between ICT and productivity in the hotel sector. Thus, we intend to make a contribution to the investigation of the so-called productivity paradox of ICT, through the development of a methodology that seeks to overcome some methodological deficiencies present in studies conducted to date. The justification for studying the impact of ICT in the hotel sector takes into consideration that with the increased competitiveness in tourism and hospitality, maximizing productivity two hotels Is an important objective. To achieve the objectives of this thesis, have been collected and analyzed primary data obtained from hotels belonging to the segment of four-and five-star of Portugal because the focus on a particular sector are eliminated the contextual factors and operational characteristics of firms that would have affected the relationship between ICTs, efficiency and productivity in order to: ® Measure the efficiency of hotels using a robust methodology; e Distinguish between efficient and inefficient hotels and, at the same time, identify the factors that build their borders of efficiency, i.e., the factors that affect them; � Determine the potential improvements in terms of target for inputs/outputs; � Analyze ICT systems used by hotels and the ways in which ICTs have been implemented; � Identify whether the hotels with different availabilities ICT, ICT use, ICT training and ICT personnel specialized differ significantly in their levels of efficiency. Specifically, it was placed the hypothesis that: a) the hotels with Internet presence (overnights from Internet and computers with Internet connection) obtain scores significantly higher efficiency and b) the hotels that make a more sophisticated use of their systems and ICT capabilities, that possess 1-ICT and ICT personnel specialized departments and 2-ICT training get scores significantly higher efficiency. When this happens, the significant differences are then investigated; � Measure the productivity of the hotels using a robust methodology; ® Use of DEA- Malmquist methodology (DEA-MPI) to measure the productivity of the hotels. Thus, the same was used to capture variations in efficiencies: technical, technological and scale throughout the analysis period (2008 and 2011), as well as the variation in total factor productivity (TFP); � The results obtained with the use of DEA-MPI enabled the generation of a new ranking of hotels, classifying them as a function of greater gains (or smaller losses) on total factor productivity, decomposing it into function of variations in pure technical efficiency and efficiency of scale, as well as fluctuations of technological progress. In general terms, this thesis aims at carrying out of fundamental contributions, specific and differentiated. Firstly, answer a few questions about the use of ICI in the hotel sector and their impact on efficiency and secondly, check whether or not fulfilled the paradox of the 1CT on productivity of Portuguese hotels. The main issues and objectives that fall within each of the required contributions are as follows: A) Respond to two issues of research related to the use of ICT in the hotel sector Portuguese. 1- lf the investments and the use of ICTs had some impact on the efficiency of the hotel sector (four and five stars) in Portugal? 2- lf the hotels (four and five stars) in Portugal explored/use ICT in order to improve your efficiency? B) To investigate and test the validity of the productivity paradox of ICT, that is, if ICT has, or no, impact on productivity. In terms of conclusions of the thesis, based on fundamentals and on the results obtained, it can be said that the main issues raised in this research were answered properly and achieved the objectives of the study. Regarding the first study, consisting answer two research questions related to the use of ICT in the Portuguese hotel industry, is achieved once it was possible to determine the efficiency frontier of hotels, establishments identify efficient and inefficient, build the ranking of establishments according to their efficiency and show the aspects that have to improve inefficient hotels for efficiency. This study not only illustrates the importance of ICT in achieving higher levels of productivity, but also addressed other issues specific to ICT must take into account the benefits of ICTs to be realized. Specifically, it was confirmed that the mere availability of ICT does not lead to better performance