Los sistemas de gestión en la industria extractiva de Andalucíasituación actual y futura : sector de la minería de los áridos y de la piedra natural
- González Márquez, Francisco Javier
- Emilio Manuel Romero Macías Director
Universidad de defensa: Universidad de Huelva
Fecha de defensa: 28 de marzo de 2014
- José Antonio Grande Gil Presidente
- Bernardo Llamas García Secretario/a
- Joao Manuel Abeu Dos Santos Baptista Vocal
Tipo: Tesis
This document is the result of research work carried out within the Department of Mining Engineering, Mechanics and Energetic of the College of Engineering at La Rábida (Huelva University) where I practice my teaching as an associate professor since 2006, and in the Department of Mines of Service Industry, Energy and Mines of the Government of Andalusia in which developing my work as Technical Advisor and Security Mining Activities. As the title indicates, this is a work that examines the high incidence in recent years that has spread the various international standards of management systems in the mining industry, which had their origin in the field of quality management, with the unprecedented success of the dissemination of the family of ISO 9000 standards. It analyzes the origin and dissemination of major standards. Also, it reflects on the future development of these standards by analyzing the responses obtained in an empirical study carried out (Year 2012) in a large number of mining sector aggregates and natural stone and industry associations and related entities located in Andalusia. It is a document intended to inform companies and industry associations in the extractive industry, the current and future situation regarding the implementation of management systems for quality, environment, occupational safety, sustainable and responsible mining corporate social, and seeks to answer the question: What degree of implementation of management systems mentioned above exists in the mining sector aggregates and natural stone located in Andalusia? This paper presents the results of a descriptive field work in order to collect evidence on what degree of knowledge and implementation of various management systems standards in mining companies, and to seek the views of the companies that have already implemented some international standard management systems and the information concerning management systems demanded by companies, in order to be in a single document implementation requirements for each of them, thus facilita ting the integration of different management systems, proposing some interesting proposals to encourage die mining industry to implement such systems. The investigation began in 2008 and the field work was conducted between January and July 2012 in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia, which is one of the Spanish Autonomous Communities that has a higher rate of current certification. We designed two types of literature-based questionnaires that were sent to mining sector aggregates and natural stone and other questionnaire to business associations and organizations related to the sector. The questionnaires were sent by mail, along with a stamped envelope. After a telephone follow receipt of such surveys, obtaining high representative sample, representing a response rate of 28.8%. Therefore, what is presented here is a tool for the extractive industry sector of aggregate mining and natural stone, which hopes to encourage them and help better manage these fundamental aspects of its business for the benefit of its employees, their customers and their environment, and therefore, their own ability to survive and grow in a competitive market. This will also be able to offer not only more jobs, but quality jobs: stable, secure and healthy. It is not only a document merely exploratory and therefore has established different working hypotheses or propositions to be tested. Although the main motivation for carrying out this work has been academic field motivated by the progress in the generation of knowledge related to this field of research, also has to consider the participation of some of the reviewers of this diesis, statistical, independent researchers, etc., belonging to forums where there is, as has been noted, a significant lack of knowledge about what die opinion of die extractive industry companies in relation to the direction to be taken the generation of such standards. Some of the findings of die research conducted in this thesis were presented at the Third National Congress held in Cáceres Aggregates (October 2012) and are in line with the strategic objectives set in the Strategic Plan 2012-2025 of die aggregates sector as a path to be followed by the mining companies to improve profitability, competitiveness and sustainability of die mining operations. It considers the challenges traditional aggregates sector and natural stone, such as environmental protection, prevention of occupational hazards production quality and product qualification of workers, the industry's image, relations with the social environment, priority areas to ensure the future of mining companies. Finally it should be mentioned that the rules are subject to periodic reviews to ensure current and consistent progress of industry and society. Therefore, although all the standards discussed in this paper are in force at the date of completion of the same, it may be that in die future die changes occurring in the catalog of rules affecting studied in this work