Creer, saber y poderjalones para una antropología del creer (y del cuidar) en la obra de Michel de Certeau

  1. González Sanz, Juan Diego
Supervised by:
  1. Luis Miguel Arroyo Arrayás Director
  2. Carlos Domínguez Morano Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 28 May 2014

  1. Jacinto Choza Chair
  2. Miguel García-Baró López Secretary
  3. Juan Martín Velasco Committee member

Type: Thesis


Michel de Certeau is one of the principal authors for understanding the evolution of human sciences throughout the twentieth century science, as well as addressing some of the most important scientific problems still existing in this field. The study of his work may allow the opening of roads to facilitate their solution. Due to his untimely death the work of Michel de Certeau be considered unfinished. Among his most dear projects was left to develop building an anthropology of belief in a historical perspective. His approach to the act of believing features considered in all its facets, beyond a focus on the content of dogmatic propositions both the field of philosophy and religious faith vision. HYPOTHESIS The hypothesis of this thesis is that it is possible to identify in his works the essential lines of an anthropology of believe that Michel de Certeau developed but did not write . OBJECTIVES 1. Submit to Michel de Certeau, providing the essentials of his biography and his work . 2. Study the current state of research on the anthropology of belief in Certeau . 3. A systematic study of the work of Michel de Certeau, analyzing in depth the presence in each of their titles reflect on believing. 4. Show an integrated vision of the certeaunian notion of belief . METHODS 1. Exhaustive literature search on Michel de Certeau, the study of the act of believe and the combinations between them. 2. Reading and critical analysis of major works on the subject. 3. Reading and critical analysis of the complete works of Michel de Certeau . 4. Ongoing contrast of the results obtained with the directors of the thesis. 5. Final editing . RESULTS The results of this research are presented in five parts. The first one, " Michel de Certeau : biographical," reflects the desire to make known the essentials of his biography. The second part, "Background ", raises the speeches on the subject prior to this work, outlining the current state of affairs. The third part, "Believing and knowing" studied directly the certeaunian works, exploring the relationship of the concept of belief with knowledge. The fourth part, " The institutions believe ", is a study of the ideas of Michel de Certeau about the political dimension of belief. Finally, the fifth part , "Believing and care: a vision of nursing from certeaunian optics," is an exercise in interaction between philosophy and nursing, which are some of the new tracks research study Certeau's work can be opened to the nursing discipline. CONCLUSIONS As a result of the research about his work its described below the main ideas of Certeau´s anthropology of believe. 1. Humans always believe. In every time and place the reality of every human group, of every man and woman, is crossed by the existence of beliefs that are not based on evidence: by beliefs. 2. Belief is a central act of the relationship of everyone with its externality. In certeaunian thought human nature is constitutively oriented meeting, out of itself. From Certeau´s point of view this meeting is based on the configuration of the two central dimensions of person: the epistemic dimension and social dimension. 3. Belief plays a key role in understanding reality. Believing involves an opening and an overflow of knowledge that each person has in their immediate environment, exercising the functions of a ground over that knowledge can be constructed . 4. Society relies on beliefs shared by its members. Anthropology of Michel de Certeau takes into account the person's in their collective, social dimension, as isolated individual. By looking at the way men and women living in the same policy framework, Certeau draws beliefs as elements that give support to the existence of social institutions . 5. The belief is dynamic in time. Both the small scale of the years as most of the centuries, there is a shift in beliefs. Keeping constant the fact that humans believe, have certainly something that have no obvious evidence that the concretions energy is deposited believe can change within each person and each society in the course of few years.