La iniciación al baloncesto a través del aprendizaje de las reglas

  1. Vizcaíno Domínguez, Celestina
Supervised by:
  1. Pedro Sáenz-López Buñuel Director
  2. José Antonio Rebollo González Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 10 July 2014


Type: Thesis


In basketball, as in other sports, the regulation determines the conditions and limitations under which the participants relate to ball, space, time, colleagues and adversaries. Therefore, the rules are what give meaning to the different actions that players can perform, for example the technical and tactical media are a consequence of the implementation of the rules. Due to the paucity of studies regarding this subject, the main objectives of the thesis was, first, to analyze the importance and characteristics of teaching minibasket from the rules. Second, developing an intervention project designed from the rules, so the learning of the technical and tactical media was derived from the rules. Finally, evaluate the intervention program based on teaching minibasket from the rules. The thesis is composed of two phases. First, a phase of diagnosis , in which topics such as the analysis of regulations was studied through the opinion of experts , referees and coaches about the importance of rules, and finally, an expert group analyzed what technical and tactical media arise from the rules. Data from this phase was collected through quantitative and qualitative instruments (questionnaires, text analysis, interviews and nominal group). With all the extracted data that was designed through the second phase in an intervention project and its evaluation. It was developed in Huelva in the town of Palos de la Frontera. A group of 12 players aged 6 and 7 years and their coach was selected to take part in the evaluation. The process was assessed through qualitative methods such as diaries, interviews, audios and watching games. The main results from the evaluation showed that the rules should be more important when teaching minibasket, for example: steps, double dribble, lines, fouls, referee rules of time and score. With regard to the technical and tactical contents deriving from the most important rules, for example, through the step rules, players can learn starts, stops, lay-up, etc. These results gave us an idea of how to organize a program based on the rules. The outstanding results, with regard to Intervention Study 2 showed that the rules were the backbone of the sessions. In the program the coach used questions as a way of letting the children think for themselves rather than telling them a long list of instructions. This allowed players learn and apply the rules of the game themselves, by using the rules for the purpose of learning the technical and tactical contents. These were sequenced according to the rules previously selected. The methodology was based mainly on the motivation, design of meaningful situations for players, time participation and time available for high practice and competition use as a training medium. The interrogative feedback has been the main resource in the initial information presented to the players, both in the presentation of the rules in the technical and tactical contents associated therewith. In this sense, other feedback used was affective and descriptive especially individual feedback. Finally, on watching games, it was observed that the experimental group has fewer penalties in the rules of fouls, double dribble and steps, compared to the other teams. The experimental team was also decreasing the number of violations as the season progressed. We conclude that the rules are important in the process of teaching and learning in the initiation of basketball and the four most important rules are steps, double dribble, lines and fouls. From these rules the technical and tactical media can be developed.