La enseñanza bilingüe a partir de las representaciones del profesoradoun estudio integrado

  1. Travé González, Gabriel H.
Supervised by:
  1. Francisco José Pozuelos Estrada Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 10 July 2014

  1. Jurjo Torres Santomé Chair
  2. María José Carrasco Macías Secretary
  3. Antonio Manuel Bernardo Lopes Committee member

Type: Thesis


This doctoral thesis explores teachers� beliefs and reflective practice on bilingual teaching in contexts where the second language is foreign. The research uses integrated methodology with the aim of achieving a broader understanding of the phenomenon in question. A consistent set of principles has also been followed based on triangulation, a progressive approach, the review by the interested parties and confidentiality. The doctoral thesis is divided into two sections. The first is documentary in nature and is devoted to a theoretical review of the status of bilingual education (Chapters 1-5). Thus, an overview of the role of language in education is provided (Chapter 1), continuing with an analysis of language teaching and learning (Chapter 2), a review of bilingual education, both on an international level (Chapter 3) and in Spain (Chapter 4); finally finishing with an analysis of the research surrounding language teachers� beliefs and reflective practice. The second section is empirical in nature and collates the research carried out in relation to teachers´ beliefs and reflective practice on bilingual teaching (chapters 6-10) across three studies. Initially the research design is presented (Chapter 6) in which the problems, objectives and categories, as well as the characteristics of the three studies, are described. The following chapters are then devoted to the analysis of the results of the study. Thus, Study 1 (Chapter 7) is exploratory in nature and investigates teachers´ statements on bilingual teaching in three bilingual Primary Schools, concluding with a comparative analysis. Study 2 (Chapter 8) is quantitative in nature and analyses the results from a questionnaire answered by bilingual teachers in the province of Huelva on their conceptions and practices. Finally, Study 3 (Chapter 9) is based on a case study undertaken with a team of teachers involving the implementation of a project-based teaching unit within the framework of bilingual teaching. The findings of the research (Chapter 10) are presented according to the general research objectives. The chapter also details the limits and prospects for future research. The main contributions of the research are related to the teachers´ conceptualization of bilingualism as the equal mastery of two languages. In addition, teachers largely support the promotion of bilingualism in English, while those languages from linguistically diverse students are denied linguistic provision. Teachers´ conceptualize teaching/learning processes based on disciplinary approaches. Disparities in thinking and teaching practice were found between the dimensions of content and language. The main difficulties identified by the teachers are essentially related to the characteristics of the bilingual project management by the Educational Administration in reference to dimensions such as the instability of the teaching staff, management of computing resources, the absence of measures to recognize and encourage teachers´ work and the lack of specialized training of bilingual teachers at linguistic and methodological levels. Facilitators relate to methodological aspects, the inclusion of curriculum materials and diverse resources, student motivation and the role of language assistants in the classrooms. Teachers are satisfied with the possibility of developing bilingual education and the positive response of the students and their families. Achievements refer to the improvement of the students´ linguistic competencies in the target language. Finally, expectations concern the generalization of bilingual education to all Andalusian students, increasing the exposure to the foreign language and the need to work towards integrated approaches.