El "engagement" en el trabajoantecedentes y resultados organizacionales

  1. Borrego Alés, Yolanda
Supervised by:
  1. Alejandro Orgambídez Ramos Director
  2. Carlos Ruiz Frutos Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 29 January 2016

  1. José Antonio Carrobles Isabel Chair
  2. Francisco José Rivera de los Santos Secretary
  3. Yolanda María de la Fuente Robles Committee member

Type: Thesis


The doctoral thesis entitled "Work Engagement. Background and Organizational Results" falls within the field of Psychology of Positive Occupational Health and more specifically, on the analysis of one of the theoretical models that explain work engagement, job demand-resources model. Its general objective is to explore the relationship between the different variables of this model with the variable of work engagement as its central axis. The specific objectives of scientific articles included in this thesis include: to present evidence of validity of the Spanish adaptation of the CWEQ-II scale (Laschinger et al., 2001) and to study the relationship between levels of structural, global and psychological empowerment. (Article 1). To adapt and validate the Spanish scale of passion for work by presenting data on the validity of factor structure and analyzing the relationship between passion and satisfaction at work with the purpose of strengthening the validity of the instrument (Article 2). To examine relationships between role stress, job satisfaction and engagement according to the job demand-resources model (Article 3). To analyze the role of harmonious passion as moderator variable on the relationship between the dimensions of burnout and psychological distress at work (Article 4). For each of the items, I worked with common aspects of different samples. They are workers from southern Spain who have held the same for at least a year. Information was collected through a questionnaire administered individually and voluntarily during working hours, guaranteeing the anonymity and confidentiality of data. All data have been treated with SPSS 20.0, and in some cases, we used the program AMOS 20.0 and STATA v.13. Depending on the objectives in each research, I have used some of the following tests: basic descriptive, calculation of correlation and reliability coefficients, confirmatory factor analysis, indexes of goodness of fit, Student t test for independent samples, Harman's one-factor test, and Sobel's test for calculating direct and indirect effects and hierarchical regression equations. The results have shown that: 1. It is interesting to analyze and study the variables "empowerment" and "passion for work" as positive resources in the job resource-demand model. On the other hand, thanks to the validation process of the Spanish version of instruments (CWEQ-II) and scale of passion for work, we have the methodological tools that facilitate the study of these variables in future research. 2. Work engagement has positive effects on job satisfaction; however, unlike other job resources such as self-efficacy, engagement does not have a mediating role between job demands like the stress and organizational outcomes such as job satisfaction. 3. Harmonious passion is positively related to job satisfaction. This harmonious passion has a moderating effect on the relationship between burnout and psychological distress.